SEO and copywriting go together like fish and chips, salt and pepper, Daphne and Celeste... But, just like love and marriage, they are sometimes at odds. However, Google's Hummingbird algorithm is relationship counselling we need.
Digital copywriting is simple.
The H1 is crawled by the spider. As is the URL and page title. So these need to be relevant. And all the key messages, USPs and product info needs to higher up the page.
Keyword cramming is dead (praise be!), as is the perceived insignificance of content.
Google Panda ranked sites with poor quality content and/or high volume of ads lowly
Google Penguin (easy for Benedict Cumberbatch to say) stopped websites manipulating rankings.
Google Pigeon prioritised local searches over the big multinationals.
Google Hummingbird was sent by the copywriting gods. It looks at language and has a what, why, buy methodology so it knows where to rank against competitors.
This means that copywriters have actual, scientific reasons to lead with the benefit, speak in plain, human language and cut out the trite flowery, meaningless, marketing crap. And not to prioritise the sales messages.