I hate to tell say this, but most of the stuff we work on is boring.
If I had to put a figure on it, I'd say 90% of it is dull.
Even if you work for Xbox, F1, Live Nation or Netflix.
We’re asked to write micro-copy, outage messaging, terms or something nice
about the new Marilyn Monroe movie.
But that’s ok because we're copywriters. It's our job to turn complex into
simple. And turn simple into joyous.
That's where true creativity lies.
Because content should spark joy (perhaps I'll become the self-styled Marie
Kondo of copywriting).
Everything has a story to tell. Yes, even cardboard box factories and boiler
repair companies.
People love stories.
It's this that will stop them scrolling to watch, read, comment, like, share
and click.
They'll love it so much, they'll read something else.
Then they'll use a tool to tell them which Thai dish they are.
That'll then link them neatly to a problem they need help with... maybe even a problem they didn't even know they had...
This stimulates their amygdala, creating irrational desire.
And they browse a product page they "discovered".
They click that ‘Go on, you know you want to' button.
And then tell all their friends and family, declaring they'll never go anywhere
else for their monthly supply of industrial-sized box staples.
Because every modal, every email, every push notification, every CTA, every digital ad, every article, every infographic, every video is joyous to read, watch, listen to, download and play.
But only creatives seem to know this.
We have to fight for each word, phrase, position and angle that we agonised
over using everything we know about language, storytelling and behavioural
We then get worn down by legal, SEO, character counts, deadlines and
We start to feel unloved and undervalued.
So we write content that disappears into the white noise people sleepwalk
through during each waking moment.
So we look to social media to entertain us. Where we watch teenagers moan about
millennials and get the sort of engagement numbers we could only dream of
despite working for a household name
So we are not 'wordsmiths'. We don't exist because you don't have time to put
words on a page.
Creative isn’t rainbows and meadows and fluff.
It’s a science.
It’s got something to say.
We’re the invisible influencers.
We take people on a journey by telling them a story where they see themselves
as the main character.
Because copywriting doesn't stop at a billboard. And because people don’t only go to Grace Brothers to buy what they need.
It’s a multi-channel, multi-format, multi-purpose, immersive and holistic experience (*pukes at corporate speak*) designed for a purpose.
The purpose is you.
And we want you to experience joy.